Data intelligence in motion

Extend utility of data in your ecosystem.

The data generated from commercial transportation’s operations is of value, not only to itself but also associated stakeholders or businesses. For instance, the driving behavior of a firm’s driver can be of interest to the insurance company, the manufacturer of the vehicle, authorities for legislation, besides the firm’s interest in its driver’s health, well-being and performance. Extending the data, extends its value. We at AheadRace, get it.

Our partnership with Qualetics Inc positions us well to bring the value of extended intelligence to your data. In fact, as solution providers, we can help rollout “Data intelligence as a service” inside your organization at great speed.

Few highlights of how we can extend the value through Qualetics Inc platform:


Fast set up of data extraction and processing pipelines

Using proprietary architecture on top of some industry-standard protocols and tools like MQTT, Kafka, NoSQL data stores allow to set up a data pipeline from the source to the analytical data store with relative ease. Doing so allows for application of pre-designed learning models on data as it is being generated.


Custom data analysis

In addition to pre-designed and pre-trained models, having a continuous data stream that can pick up new data points or variations allows us to refine and tweak the models over time or develop new models altogether. Our diverse and qualified Data Science team can periodically monitor the efficiency and performance of the models and update them over time.


Dynamic dataviz and integration platform

With an event-based data collection mechanism, contextual data with each transit event is collected in real time and transferred to a high speed, high volume data ingestion and analysis engine which efficiently transforms the raw data in intuitive and insightful visualizations. 

Qualetics Inc platform is capable of supporting not only multiple roles in different departments but also integrating with your existing applications though Single Sign-On (SSO) or API based integration. In doing so, you get to integrate the powerful Analytics and Intelligence engine directly into your current native applications such as a CRM, Customer Support Portals, Administrative Systems and/or Passenger Apps.

Get the power of the platform working for your business and benefit from the extended value of your data. Do test run our partnership in rolling out your very own “Data Intelligence as a service”.